MP-20 or M3 Pump

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MP-20 or M3 Pump


MP-20 Pump

High quality, double belt-driven, self-priming, twin diaphragm pump with 1hp. TEFC 120/240volt 60hz. motor (12amp), offers easy, reliable operation, making this pump ideal for the professional contractor.


Maximum FlowMaximum PressureMaximum Speed
5.7 g.p.m.200 p.s.i.550 r.p.m.


[hoses not included]
Includes: control bypass assembly with pressure gauge and shut-off ball valve, fittings for input, discharge and bypass recirculation hoses. Units are mounted on a steel base with a belt guard and a convenient carrying handle and are easily cleaned by running water through the system for a few minutes immediately after use. (230volt/50hz. available for export)




MP3 Pump

Economical, direct-drive, self-priming, triple diaphragm pump with 1hp. TEFC 120/240volt 60hz. motor (14amp), designed for general purpose spraying by the entry-level contractor as well as the professional contractor.


Maximum FlowMaximum PressureMaximum Speed
3 g.p.m.300 p.s.i.1725 r.p.m.


[hoses not included]
Includes: control bypass assembly with pressure gauge and shut-off ball valve, quick disconnect fittings for input, discharge and bypass recirculation hoses. Units are mounted on a steel base with a belt guard and a convenient carrying handle and are easily cleaned by running water through the system for a few minutes immediately after use. (230volt/50hz. available for export)


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